Born in Denver, CO USA in 1977
Lives and works in San Francisco, CA USA |
Associate Research Fellowship | City and Guilds of London Art School |
2004 |
M.F.A. | City and Guilds of London Art School |
1999 |
B.A. | University of California at Davis |
1997 |
A.A. | University of California at Santa Barbara |
2009 |
Antidote Cain Schulte Galleries, San Francisco, California, USA |
2008 |
Molecular Vision, Cain Schulte Galleries, San Francisco, California, USA
Visual Therapy, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London, England |
2007 |
Klari Reis, La Chandelle Fine Art, Munich, Germany
Hope, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London, England |
2006 |
Double Take, Chelsea Art Gallery, Palo Alto, California, USA
2005 |
Klari Reis, Steps Gallery, Bristol, England |
2004 |
On the Wall, Solo Exhibition Awarded through A-N Magazine, England |
2009 |
Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Shanghai
Art Hamptons, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, New York
Hong Kong International Art Exhibition, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Hong Kong
Art Chicago, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, Chicago
AAF, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London and New York
Art Dubai, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Dubai
Bridge Art Fair, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, New York
The London Art Fair, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London |
2008 |
Project Room: Klari Reis, Allen Gallery Chelsea, New York, USA
AAF Contemporary, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London/New York
Art Now, The Steps Gallery, New York, USA
Form, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London, England
The Slanted Door, Cain Shulte Galleries, San Francisco, USA
Red Dot New York, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, New York, USA
The London Art Fair , The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London, England
The LA Art Show, The Steps Gallery, Los Angeles, USA |
2007 |
Slick Paris | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Paris
27th Annual Fall Auction | SJ Institute of Contemporary Art | San Jose, California
Berliner Liste | The Cyntnia Corbett Gallery | Berlin
AAF London and New York | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London and New York
La Chandelle Fine Arts | presented by Angelika Fogel Fine Arts | Munich
Bridge Art Fair | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Chicago, London and Miami
Beneath the Skin | Limn Gallery | San Francisco
Red Dot New York | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | New York
The London Art Fair | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London |
2006 |
Bridge Art Fair Chicago & Miami | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Chicago & Miami
Limn | San Francisco | California and Seattle, Washington Galleries
Micro Macro | Rhino Gallery | Issaquah | Washington
Antifreeze | Stockwell Studios | London
Couloumy & Friends | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
Invest 06 | Art as an Alternative Investment | Islington | London
The 10 Minute Walk | GVA | Advantages of the Life Sciences | San Francisco
Glasgow Art Fair | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
20/20 | Beverley Knowles Fine Art | London
AAF London and New York | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
The London Art Fair | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London |
2005 |
Artissima | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Turin | Italy
Vivid Dreams | CityInn | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
The Inspired Art Fair | Solo Stand | London
AAF New York | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
The Phillimores | Full Circle Contemporary Art | London
ArtLondon | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery and Beverley Knowles Fine Art | London
She Exists | Beverley Knowles Fine Art Gallery | London
Art Base SE1 | Sterling Ackroyd London Bridge | Full Circle Contemporary Art | London
AAF London | Beverley Knowles Fine Art Gallery and the Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
AAF Bristol | The Steps Gallery | Bristol
Glasgow Art Fair |The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Glasgow
ARCO Madrid | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Madrid | Spain
Florence Opening Group Exhibition | Florence Fine Art | London
The London Art Fair | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
Body Language | Group Exhibiton | London |
2004 |
Art Base SE1 | Sterling Ackroyd Borough | Full Circle Contemporary Art | London
Object of Design | The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | London
Genius | Cupola Gallery | Sheffield
Launch Exhibition | The Steps Gallery | Bristol
Red Biddy Christmas Exhibition | Red Biddy Gallery | Surrey
On the Wall Art Fair | Stand Awarded through A-N Signpost Competition | London
14, MA Degree Show | City and Guilds of London Art School
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition | The Royal Academy | London |
2003 |
One More Thing Before I Go | Hang Gallery | Palo Alto | California |
2006 |
The Intercontinental Hotel Restaurant at Hyde Park Corner | London | England |
2005 |
Standard Life Investments | 10 Piccadilly SWC2 | London | England
Standard Life Investments | Redcliff Quay | 120 Redcliff Street | Bristol | England
Matt Roberts Personal Training Center | 16 Berkeley St. Mayfair | London | England |
2007 |
Sandra B. Jimenez Design | San Francisco | USA
Ms. Juliette Calayag | New York | USA
Ms. Kate Grussing | London | England
Morley Fund Management | London | England
Cytokinetics | San Francisco | USA
Mr. Robert Blum | San Francisco | USA |
2006 |
Barrett Lloyd Davis Associate Architects | Kings Rd. residence | London | England
Mr. Ed Shimmon | Los Altos | California | USA
Mr. Craig Lipton | Maven Investments | San Francisco | USA
Mr. Danny Miller | Wick | Scotland |
2005 |
Ms. Sarah Gold | London | England
Areen Design | Janet Seed | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia
Mrs. Sachii | London | England
Luca and Silvia Valsecchi | Ivrea | Italy |
2007 |
The New York Times | London Travel | September 30
Isar – Anzeiger, Munich | Kalifornische Kunst in Grunwald | September 20
Munchner Merkur | Die Kunst als lebensgefahrlicher Trapezakt | September 16
Rundschau, Munich | Vernissage | Munich, Germany | September 13
Gentry Magazine | Local Gentry – Klari Reis | October edition
The San Francisco Bay Guardian | Beneath the Skin at Limn | July 4
The San Francisco Chronicle | Arts Review | by Kenneth Baker | June 16
Art Review | Hope, Catalogue Release | May 1
Apollo Magazine | Hope, Gallery 27 Cork St. | May 1
Royal Academy Magazine | Hope Gallery 27 Cork St.| May 1 |
2006 |
Suddentsche Leitung - Munich | Klari Reis | by Anreas Geisslinz | September 29
San Francisco Business Times | Art Imitates Science | by Daniel S. Levine | June 30
Giornale del Medico | Rumatologia | GDM Milan | March 27
The Almanac | Klari Reis Gazes Inward | Artscene | by Renee Batti | May 10
Gallery Guide Europe | The Glasgow and Nova Art Fairs | April edition
Artweek | Double Take at Chelsea Art Gallery | by Barbara Morris | July/August
Palo Alto Weekly | Under the Microscope | cover story by Rebecca Wallace | May 19
The London Times | Arts Review | Klari Reis at Beverley Knowles Fine Art | Jan. 5
Time Out London | AAF London Marketing Campaign | March
Elle Magazine | Object of Desire | March Europe edition |
2005 |
Wimbledon Magazine | Time and Leisure, | June edition
Fine Arts & Antiques Magazine | Home is Where the Art Is | by Abby Cronin | May
Scottish Field Magazine | Happy Hunting | April edition
Frieze Magazine | The Art of Indulgence | October and November Issues
The Glasgow Herald | The Glasgow Art Fair | by Phil Miller | April 28
Royal Academy Magazine | Art London, The Cynthia Corbett Gallery | Summer
Financial Times Magazine | She Exists | by J. Wullschlager | April edition
The Guardian | A Woman's Place is On the Wall | by B. Knowles | May 22
The Independent | Arts Review: She Exists | by S. Hubbard | April 2nd
Frivi Magazine | Beverley Knowles Fine Art | April Issue |
2004 |
A-N Magazine | On the Wall | by R. Mcintosh | October Issue |