
Born in Shiraz, Iran in 1963
Lives and works in Tehran
1984 |
Graduate of California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California, USA |
2011 |
Shukran, The Third Line, Dubai, UAE |
2010 |
Nothing Serious, Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria |
2009 |
Fluffy Friends, Frieze, The Third Line Booth, London, UK |
Silly You, Silly Me, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, France |
2008 |
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami |
Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels |
2007 |
Candy Store, The Third Line, Dubai, U.A.E. |
Sweet Dreams, Daneyal Mahmood Gallery, New York, USA |
2006 |
Threshold of Hap, Extraspazio, Rome |
Albareh Gallery, Bahrain |
Farhad Moshiri, The Third Line, Dubai, U.A.E. |
Operation Supermarket, a part of “Images of the Middle East”, Kolding Design School, collaboration with Shirin Aliabadi, Denmark |
Operation Supermarket, collaboration with Shirin Aliabadi, The Counter Gallery, London, UK |
2004 |
e x t r a s p a z i o gallery, Rome, Italy |
Art Space Gallery, curated by Isabelle van den Eynde de Rivieren, Dubai, UAE |
Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York, USA |
2003 |
Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Geneva, Switzerland |
Leighton House Museum, curated by Rose Issa, London, UK |
2002 |
New Paintings, 13 Vanak ST., Tehran, Iran |
2001 |
Heaven, installation, 13 Vanak ST., Tehran, Iran |
2000 |
New Works, 13 Vanak ST., Tehran, Iran |
2010 |
Hope! Palais des Arts et du Festival, Paris, France |
2009 |
Iran Inside Out, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA |
Translation/Tarjama, Queens Museum of Art, New York, USA |
2008 |
East West Dialogues, Mysticism, Satire and the Legendary Past, LTMH – Leila Taghinia-Milani Heller Gallery, New York, NY, USA |
Word into Art, British Museum at DIFC, Dubai, UAE |
2006 |
Ethnic Marketing, curated by Tirdad Zolghadr, 13 Vanak, Tehran, Iran |
V-Day, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Chelsea NY, USA |
Word into Art, curated by Venetia Porter, British Museum, May, London, UK |
2005 |
After the Revolution, KM Kulturunea Erakustaretoa, curated by Octavio Zaya, San Sebastian, Spain |
Almost Nothing, e x t r a s p a z i o gallery, Rome, Italy |
Welcome, curated by Farhad Moshiri, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York, USA |
It’s Hard to Touch the Real (Tour), Bildmuseet Ume, University College of Fine Arts, Ume |
It’s Hard to Touch the Real (Tour), Yeans (artist-run-space), Gothenburg, Sweden |
It’s Hard to Touch the Real (Tour), Unge Kunstnerers Samfund UKS (The Association of Young Artists), Oslo, Norway |
It’s Hard to Touch the Real (Tour), Tallinn Kunsthalle, Tallinn, Estonia |
2004 |
Far Near Distance, curated by Rose Issa, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany |
Iran Under the Skin, curated by Firouz Firouz, CCCB, Barcelona, Spain |
Ethnic Marketing, curated by Martine Anderfuhren and Tirdad Zolghadr, Centre d'Art
Contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland |
It’s Hard to Touch the Real, Kunstverein, Munich, Germany |
Turning Points, curated by Media Farzin, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University,
New York, USA |
2003 |
Iranian Pool, curated by Maria Chus Martinez, Casa Asia/ARCO, Madrid, Spain |
Casa Asia, curated by Maria Chus Martinez, Barcelona, Spain |
Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, UAE |
Continuous Stroke of a Breath, curated by Afsaneh Firouz, Harvard University, Boston, USA |
Haft, curated by Michket Krifa, l’Espace Landowski, Ville De Boulogne-Billancourt, France |
2002 |
13 Vanak Street Gallery, Curator: Fereydoun Ave, Tehran, Iran |
Zen Gallery, Tehran, Iran |
2001 |
Heaven, an installation,13 Vanak Street Gallery, Curator: Fereydoun Ave, Tehran, Iran |
2000 |
Painting exhibition,13 Vanak Street Gallery, Tehran, Iran |
1999 |
Painting exhibition, Bokhara Gallery, Tehran, Iran |
1994-98 |
Produced children’s books, computer animation and Films for UNICEF |
1993 |
Biennale of Tehran, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran |
1992 |
Painting exhibition, Seyhoun Gallery, Tehran, Iran |
1989 |
Painting exhibition, Dorothy Goldeen Gallery, Los Angeles, USA |
1988 |
Installation, Black Salad Gallery, Los Angeles, USA |
1987 |
The End, a video installation, invite group exhibition, Los Angeles, USA |
1986 |
EZ TV, a video installation, Los Angeles, USA |
1985 |
Quadraphonic sound installation, Anti Club, Los Angeles, USA |
British Museum, UK
François Pinault Foundation, Italy
Virginia Museum of Fine Art, USA
Farjam Collection, Dubai, UAE
Cultural Ministry of Dubai, UAE
Cultural Heritage Commission of Abu Dhabi, UAE |
Perrotin, Galerie Rudolphe Janssen, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, The Third Line, Farhad Moshiri. 2010. SNEL Belgium. ISBN 978-2-9532797-5-7 |
2011 |
Marie Le Fort, ARTRAVEL, Balade a Dubai, pg 178, June 21 2011 |
Kalsi, Jyoti, Gulf News, Weekend Review, Sharp Words of Gratitude, pg. 14 – 15, April 15, 2011 |
Gleadell, Colin, The Telegraph, Auction houses in duel under the sun, April 5, 2011 |
Jarvie, Catherine, What’s On, Mysterious Boy, pg. 53, 55, March 2011 |
Boshoff Hundal, Inside Out, Angela, What Glitters is Not Always Gold, March 2011, pg. 34-37 |
2010 |
Azmi, Negar, The National, The Review, All That Glitters, May 28, 2010, pg 4 –7, Reprinted |
Azmi, Negar, Bidoun, Fluffy by Farhad, Spring 2010, pg 32 – 37 |
Sand, Olivia, Asian Art, Farhad Moshiri, April 2010, pg 2 – 4 |
2009 |
Downey, Anthony, Inverted Modernities and Contested Traditions: Contemporary Iranian Visual Culture and (In)Authenticity, September 2009, pg 154 - 163 |
Le Stum, Sabine, artpress, Moyen-Orient moins d’argent, plus de temps, pg 52 - 56 |
Oasis Magazine, Arts News, The Third Line, November – December 2009, pg 24 -25 |
Harris, Gareth, The Art Newspaper, Frieze Art Fair Supplement, Iranian Art, Thursday
October 15, 2009, pg 5 |
Kunstbeeld, Life is Wonderful, Wednesday October 28, 2009, Online
Tendencias, El rey Midas de Oriente Medio, October 2009, pg 11 |
Crow, Kelly, The Wall Street Journal, Iran: A Defiant Self Portrait, June 25, 2009, Online |
Ng, Elaine W., Moments of Defiance: Auction Report, Asia Art Pacific, May/June 2009, pg. 61 - 63 |
Art Collection + Design (Hong Kong), March 2009 |
Debras, Berenice, La Tribune, Emirs Art, February 2009 |
2008 |
Gulf News, Tabloid, “Bonham’s Auction” |
7 Days , “A Record Night for Auction |
Condé Nast Potfolio, pg 74 - 75 |
Time Out, Dubai, “Vision On”, pg 16 |
Canvas Collectors’ Edition, “A Collective Vision”, pg 96 - 111 |
Cultural Horizons Magazine, “Word into Art” Exhibition, pg 28 |
2007 |
Artco, pg 199 |
Society Dubai, “New Paintings by Farhad Moshiri”, pg 18 |
Time Out, Dubai, “Tout Sweet” pg 51 |
Gulf News, Weekend Review, “Living in a Wedding Cake” pg 20 |
Xpress, “Candy Coated Strokes” pg 31 |
The Dubai Guide, www.dubaiguide.com, “Candy Store” |
Emirates Today, “Sugar Coated Treats for Everyone” pg 34 |
Inside Out, pg 127 |
Art Review, “Dubai: Art Entrepot” pg 82-84, UK |
2006 |
Canvas Magazine, “Farhad Moshiri, When Ancient Becomes Modern” pg 70 - 79 |
Time Out, Dubai, “It’s in the Post” pg 53 |
Society, Dubai, “Super Bowl” pg 79 |
What’s On, “Potted History” pg 28 |
Inside Out, “A Deep Rooted Cultural Connection” pg 23 - 25 |
2005 |
Gulf Air Magazine, “The Persian touch”, pg 42-45, May |
ArtsJournal.com, Modern art notes by Tyler Green: On Islamic |
Walrus Magazine, June, Toronto |
Kayhan (London) “Popli Foundation auction, June 30, pg7 |
Exibart.com,“Divani dorati e armi giocattolo”, Jan 29, Roma |
Art Asia Pacific, spring 2005 |
Welcome, exhibition catalogue, Feb, New York |
Bidoun magazine, spring 2005 |
Radio Farda, March |
New York Times, April 8, 2005, review by Holland Cotter |
Canvas, March/April 2005 |
New York Sun, March 25, 2005 |
Trace, “Welcome” March. |
Bidoun magazine, Winter,pg 2-5 and 117. |
2004 |
Berliner Morgenpost, “Schlussel zum Paradies”,Pg 9,March 20, Berlin. |
Stuttgarter Zeitung, “Ornamente der Schonheit und des Schreckens”, April 1. |
The Buzz (exclusive interview) “Farhad Moshiri within one piece”, pg 2-4, 16 Nov, Dubai |
Radio Farda, April |
Tribune de Geneva,” Le Centre d’art contemporain fait son marche ethnique”, pg 30, November 15, Geneva |
ABC, “A la caza del cazador blanco” pg 25-26, November 6 |
Swiss Info, “Arts plastiques, faites votre marche”, November 5 |
Le Courrier, 6/11 Geneva |
Neue Burcher Beitung, 6/11 |
Time Europe, online magazine, By Malu Halasa, March |
City Times, “A Satirist Who Leaves His Art Ajar” pg 1& 40, 5 Nov, Dubai |
Der Tagesspiegel (Kultur), “Mehrdeutigkeit ist die starkste Waffe der Kunst, pg 25, 19 March, Berlin |
Bidoun magazine, summer, “Rogue”, pg 87-88 |
Bidoun magazine, fall, “Ethnic Marketing”, pg 14 |
Kunst Feuilleton,(online Magazine,) “Entfernte Nahe”,9/5/04 Berlin |
Casamica (Corriere della Sera), “Dorato Iran”,pg 34, Dec 4, Rome |
Gulf Today, Nov, Dubai |
Kultur, “Schlussel zum Paradies”, 20 March, Berlin |
The Bite, Iran’s creative hotbed, October, pg 68-71 and 88-89, Dubai |
Der Tagesspiegel, March 19, 2004, Berlin |
Far Near Distance, book published by Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, p176-177 front and back cover image and title page image |
Le Temps Les resorts de la xenophilie (parodie), pg.39, 8.10.2004 |
La Liberte, Vous reprendriez bien un peu d’exotisme! Pg 40, October 30, Geneva |
Kunst Bulletin, Ethnic Marketing, pg 46, November 1 |
360 degree, “Fureur ethnique”, November |
WOZ Die Wochenzeitung,“Ethnopop oder was?” pg 23, November 4 |
Markische Oderzeitung, “Die neuen iranischen Kunstler”, March 21 |
Neue Zurcher Zeitung, “Angebot und Nachfrage”, Pg 48, November 6 |
24 Heures “Sur fond de mondialisation …” pg 13, November12, Lausanne |
2003 |
Haft, Seven Contemporary Iranian Artists, Somogy editions d’art, p24-31 |
Paris Match(Swiss), “Farhad Moshiri, Entre tradition et post-moderne”, pg 142, 4 December |
Radio Farda, April |
Tant magazine, 5th Anniversary issue, “Never mind the Secularists”, pg 136-141 |
El Pais, Arco, “Las zonas de descanso integran arte, paisajismo y arquitectura”, 14 February, pg 33 Madrid |
El Mundo, Arco, February 2003, Madrid |
Rooseum Provisorium, April 2003, Malmo, Sweden |
6th Sharjah Biennial Catalog, April, UAE |
Time out Dubai, April 2003, Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
2001 |
Telerama, “Revolution culturelle a Teheran”, Dec 29, pg 19, Paris |
1989 |
Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles |
Southern California House Beautiful, Los Angeles |
1988 |
LA Weekly, Los Angeles |
