Born 1968 in Vienna, Austria
Currently lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Arts at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Geneva
2007 |
Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Kopenhagen |
Jacana Gallery, Vancouver |
Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Zürich |
2006 |
Everglades, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York |
Psychotropical III, Galerie Jérôme Ladiray, Rouen |
Equateur, Galerie Une, Auvernier |
Supernatural, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
2005 |
Gulfstream, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York |
Closer than Paradise , Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Zurich |
2004 |
Party, Galerie Une, Auvernier |
2003 |
Psychotropical, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York |
2003 |
Psychotropical, Galerie Une, Neuchâtel |
2001 |
Hypernaturel, Galerie Une, Neuchâtel |
2007 |
Pink, Patricia Faure Gallery, Santa Monica, CA |
Spring, Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton, FL |
2006 |
Group show, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Kopenhagen |
The Nordic Art Fair 2006, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Kopenhagen |
Fire and Ice, Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton, FL |
MiArt 06, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Milano |
Here we go, Galerie Une, Auvernier |
Art Moscow 2006, Lausberg Contemporary Art, Moscou |
Kaléidoscopique, Villa Dutoit, Genève |
2005 |
FIAC 05, Galerie Une, Paris |
Palm Beach Contemporary, Galerie Lausberg, Palm Beach, FL |
About flowers, Galerie Elisabeth Staffelbach, Aarau |
Kunst Zürich 05, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Zürich |
Shining stars for a shining art, Galerie Une, Auvernier |
TIA05, Lausberg Contemporary Art, Toronto |
After Nature , Aeroplastics Contemporary, Bruxelles |
Théodore Stravinsky et l’art contemporain, Atelier Picasso, CNES, Paris |
Invito , Galerie Une, Lugano |
Lines after time, LIMN Gallery, San Francisco |
2004 |
Wonderland, Galerie artone, Zürich |
« 10 artistes contemporains neuchâtelois », Musée des Beaux-Arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds |
Jet d'eau, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal |
Spectrum, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, New York |
Solaris, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Genève |
Heaven’s gonna burn your eyes, Cartelle Gallery, Los Angeles |
Swiss Art Awards, Halle 3, Messe, Basel |
LASKO, un panorama du wall painting en Suisse, CAN - Centre d'art, Neuchâtel |
Question de couleurs, bh9, Genève |
Art Miami 2004, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Miami, |
Palm Beach Contemporary, Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Palm Beach, FL |
Art Miami 2004,
Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Miami, Florida |
Palm Beach Contemporary,
Kashya Hildebrand Gallery, Florida, USA |
2003 |
Donation Jeunet, une collection d’art contemporain Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Neuchâtel |
Objectif Une, Galerie Une, Auvernier |
66è Biennale de la SAA, Musée des Beaux-Arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Halle, Galerie artone, Zürich |
Swiss Art Awards, Halle 3, Messe, Basel |
LASKO , bh9, Genève |
Arrêt de nuit, bh9, Genève |
Kunst 03, Galerie Une, Zürich |
Quoi de neuf chez les romands?, Galerie artone, Zürich |

