
Born in Homs, Syria in 1970
Works and lives in Dubai, UAE |
1998 |
Certificate in Calligraphy from IRCICA, the research centre for Islamic History Arts and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey |
MA in Fine Arts (honorary degree), University of Damascus, Syria |
BA in Fine Arts, Painting, University of Damascus, Syria |
2011 |
Caligrafia Pictorica, Morelia, State of Michoacán, Mexico |
Wellesley College, Boston, USA |
National Museum of Water Color “Alfredo Guati Rojo”, Mexico |
2007 |
Dar Al Fnoon, Kuwait |
Majlis Gallery, Dubai, UAE |
2006 |
Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE |
2005 |
Pellouailles-les-Vignes mantes, France
Poems in Calligraphy, the Majles Gallery, Dubai, UAE |
2004 |
Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE |
2001 |
Institute du Monde Arab, Paris, France |
1999 |
IFEAD, Damascus, Syria |
1996 |
Spanish Institute, Damascus, Syria |
2011 |
Art of Writing, Wiesbaden, Germany |
2010 |
Freedom and Innovation, Casa Arabe, Madrid, Spain |
2009 |
Signs: Contemporary Arab Art. Seven renowned artists from the Middle East, Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York, USA |
2008 |
Beyond Words: Contemporary Calligraphy from the Middle East, curated by Karin Adrian von Roques, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Zurich, Switzerland |
2007 |
Espejesmo?, Arab Art, San Pedro Museum of Art, Mexico
Audio Visual Art Exhibition, Sharjah Museum of Art, UAE
San Bedro Museum of Art, Mexico
Al Bareh Art Gallery, Bahrain |
2005 |
Institute de Monde Arab, Paris, France
Languages of Desert, Bonn Museum of Art, Germany
The Art of the Written Word in the Middle East, U of M Museum of Art |
2003 |
Visual and Audible 6th session, Sharjah, UAE
Salter International house, Wallesley College, Boston |
2002 |
Sharjah Museum of Art, UAE |
2001 |
Art and Sufism, exhibition organized by the Cervantes Institute (2001-2004):
National Museum of Damascus, Syria; Royal Museum of Amman, Jordan; Bilad Al Sham Gallery Aleppo, Syria; Unsco Palace Beirut, Lebanon; Granada, Seville Spain |
1997 |
Collective Exhibition of Syrian artist organized by the Ministry of Culture, National Museum of Art, Damascus, Syria
Biennial Almahaba Arts Festival Latakia, Syria |
1991 |
Collective Exhibition of Syrian artists organized by the Ministry of Culture, National Museum of Syria |
1987 |
Al Mayadin City Hall, Syria |
2009 |
First prize in modern calligraphy in the International Festival for Calligraphy - Algeria |
2008 |
1st prize in the Modernity of Arabic Calligraphy, 3rd biennal of calligraphy, Sharjah, UAE |
2007 |
Modern Calligraphy Prize, Audio Visual Art Exhibition, Sharjah Museum of Art, UAE
1st prize of Diwany Jaly, 7th Int'l Competition of Calligraphy, IRCICA, Istanbu
1st prize in Classic Calligraphy, International competition of calligraphy, IRCICA, Istanbul, Turkey |
2005 |
Classic Calligraphy Prize, 2nd Biennial of Calligraphy in Arab World, Sharjah, UAE
First Prize in 'Diwany Jaly script', Master Competition of Calligraphy, Sponsored by Al Baraka Turk Bank, Istanbul, Turkey |
2004 |
The first Prize in the Modernity of Arabic Calligraphy, 1st Arabic Calligraphy, 1st Biennial of Calligraphy in the Arab world, Sharjah, UAE
The Diwany Jaly Prize from the 6th international competition, Istanbul, Turkey |
2003 |
The Modernity Prize of the Audio-Visual Festival, Sharjah Museum of Arts |
2001 |
The 5th international competition on Arabic Calligraphy, Diwany Jaly Style, Istanbul, Turkey |
2000 |
Festival of Music, Poetry and Calligraphy, Oberani, France, Certificate of distinction
Prize for Young Artist, presented by British Counsel, Damascus, Syria |
1999 |
Biennial of the Young artist, Rome, Italy |
1997 |
1st International Festival of Arabic Calligraphy, Tehran, Iran, Certificate of distinction, nominated one of the best 10 international calligraphers, and the first Prize in the Diwany Jaly Style |
British Museum, UK
San Pedro Museum of Arts, Mexico
Denver Museum of Arts, Collorado, USA
Museum of Calligraphy, Sharjah, UAE |
